Thursday 10 July 2014

One Summer's Day

One summer’s day

It took quite a while for Adrian to end up where he was at this present moment. A beautiful view of the sunset horizon, a pretty German girl, and an ice cream stain on his shirt. Perfect. It wasn’t meant to be like this either but Adrian had learned long ago – Life turns in the strangest ways to get to the greatest place. This whole account of Adrian’s outing would make a lot more sense if it started from the beginning so it would be appropriate to bring it right back to the start of it all: a small estate in Canning Town.
It was a hot summer’s day. A very hot summer’s day. Adrian was sure that despite his brown complexion he had begun to tan. Adrian furrowed his brow in annoyance as he leaned against the rusted, rental car for the Seafront trip. He was spending a week out in Canning Town with his aunt and uncle in their small council flat. His mind was with his closest friends, who at this moment in time were competing in the European Championships for breaking in Holland. That would have been perfect for Adrian. Nothing better than somersaulting in the air, adrenaline pumping through your system and people roaring in amazement as you represented your country at the most elite level. Then again, things could be worse than spending a week with some relatives. Aunt Mumbai appeared, her eyes glittering with excitement. She was wearing a bright orange sundress and flip flops. “Don’t you feel jubilant? A beautiful day to the beach! Bright-on!” she exclaimed as she danced around a depressed Adrian and hurled her bags in the boot of the rental.
“Nice wordplay” Adrian said dryly as he pulled out his phone. If he couldn’t escape physically perhaps he could escape virtually.
“Now, now, you won’t be needing that” sang Uncle Tom as he swiped Adrian’s phone from his hand, leaving him to clutch the warm, summer air.
“What the hell?” Adrian whined, rising to his feet.
“The youth of today are so caught up in their gadgets, they can’t appreciate true beauty when they have it” Uncle Tom teased as he slipped the phone away. Uncle Tom always spoke with a poetic essence. Adrian thought it was kind of cool but it wasn’t necessarily a likeable asset at a time like this. Adrian looked Uncle Tom up and down. He wore flowery shorts and flip flops however from the top; Uncle Tom sported a large, black bomber jacket and a scarf.
“What is up with that?” Adrian asked, raising his hand to cover the smirk that was arising.
“That is truly...crazy, dear” Aunt Mumbai laughed unapologetically. “What? You never know when the hay fever might catch you” Uncle Tom explained casually. With the pre-journey banter finished, Aunt Mumbai, Uncle Tom and Adrian hopped into the rental and began the drive to Brighton Seafront.
Despite Adrian’s reluctance towards the trip even he had to admit that the Seafront was a good place to be on a Saturday. The sky was a light blue with the occasional puffy cloud and the sun kissed everyone below with pleasant warmth. The smells from various food stalls drifted in the air; the aromas telling which culture they came from. Vibrant music was playing in the distance calling Adrian to join the party. “So... what are we going to do?” Adrian pondered as his Aunt and Uncle took in their surroundings.
“The question, my brother’s only son, is what are you going to do? Me and your aunt fancy eating at some restaurants. We don’t want to be with you any more than you want to be with us” Uncle Tom replied in mock irritancy. Aunt Mumbai stifled a laugh as they strolled away arm in arm.
“Fair enough” Adrian mumbled as he walked towards the pier and hopefully some adventure.
Walking along the pier, Adrian caught a glimpse of the towering Ferris wheel. He would have loved to go on it but that would make him look too much like a loser. It was bad enough feeling like one. He didn’t mind too much though. The weather was nice and everyone was feeling the positive energy summer brought every year. The fresh breeze and sight of the sea was calming in contrast to the bustling streets of Canning Town. Rhythmic clapping caught the ears of Adrian and as he peered up ahead he spotted a large crowd surrounding a group of dancers dressed in bright, colourful clothing. The crowd cheered as the dances spun on their heads and moved with the same pace as the up-beat music. As Adrian drew nearer he saw one of the performers get three people to kneel on the wooden surface of the pier. The crowd parted to make some sort of runaway. “Okay ladies and gentlemen. My colleague here is about to do what is called a webster!” shouted a dancer in a green vest. One of the dancers, wearing a red cap, walked backwards. The crowd watched eagerly as he ran forward and leaped into the air somersaulting once then landing on his feet. The crowd clapped enthusiastically for him. “If anyone feels they can do better, feel free to try!” the dancer in the green vest challenged as he clapped his fellow performers on their backs. Adrian couldn’t help but crack a flippant smile. He and his friends did things like this at their local gym regularly!
“I think everyone should see my Jesus flip!” Adrian exclaimed. Some of the crowd looked at him with no interest while others sniggered. Even the dancers gave him a sceptical look.
“Okay then, go ahead” the green vest dancer laughed. Adrian took his turn to walk backwards a distance and prepare for what had been the only little bit of excitement all day. Adrian caught a glimpse of a pretty girl that was standing on the side in a blue hoodie but he didn’t take notice for long. He had a bar to set. Adrian ran forward. The crowd caught their breath in anticipation as he ran forward then executed a powerful cartwheel that bounced him into the air. He distinctly held the shape of a crucifix then closed in, doing a backward somersault and landing perfectly on his feet. The crowd cheered in utter amazement as Adrian flashed a grin at the dancers whose mouths were gaping in awe.
“Easy” Adrian thought to himself as he casually walked down the pier, looking out the horizon.
“Hey, um, I was really impressed with that thing” squeaked a tiny voice with a peculiar accent. Adrian whirled around and almost stumbled over himself. Before him was the pretty girl he saw earlier but he had never paid attention. Her mane of tawny hair fell carelessly past her shoulders and her hazel eyes were mesmerizing.
“Um, y-yo...” Adrian stammered.
“Yo?” the girl replied in confusion, her accent coming out more strongly.
“I mean thanks” Adrian spluttered.
“Oh, okay” the girl laughed, shying away from him. “My name is Lea”.
“And I am Adrian”. Adrian offered his hand and Lea reached for it. Her hands were soft and delicate to touch. “So...Lea, where you from?”
“Germany” she smiled, “And you?”
“Here you know...” Adrian answered awkwardly. There was a moments silence between the two but then Adrian decided to break it. “Why don’t we do something?”
“Yes, that would be nice” Lea replied, her eyes brightening. “It would be nice to explore the pier with somebody”.
Adrian spent the majority of the day with Lea. Letting the truth be told it was one of the best days out Adrian had in a long time. They went to a Caribbean food stall. Adrian had an ice cream and was already accustomed to the tastes of the Caribbean and felt to introduce Lea to it. “Hmmm, this is good!” Lea exclaimed as she continued stuffing the spicy meat into her mouth “What is it, lamb?”
“Frog legs!” Adrian laughed as Lea spat it out her mouth in disgust. Adrian was sobbing from laughter at Lea’s expense.
“Funny to you?” Lea asked, as she grabbed Adrian’s ice cream and planted it on his face before sprinting away
“Okay, I see how it is!” Adrian teased as he took off in hot pursuit.
The rest of the day was fairly smooth. They teased each other as they rode on the Ferris wheel, laughed together as they posed behind cut-outs of mermaids, and splashed water on each other while exchanging amusing stories. They finally rested on the beach and began to wind down, looking to the fiery orange horizon. The waves lapped soothingly and stars pin-pointed the violet sky.   
“So you’re uncle really is a consecutive at Lamborghini?” Adrian asked for the fifth time.
“Yes, it is not ‘all that’, as you people would say” Lea sighed, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.
“Better than rental crap, I had to take here” Adrian countered. “Your Dad really has a share in a multi-million whatever company?”
“Yeah. It is not all good though. I rarely get to see him now and I’m always travelling to different countries, never settling” Lea replied.
“I guess... but I’d love to travel and see different places”.
“It is tiring. Who knows when next I’ll see you? You find something good about a place and you get torn from it”
“If only you understood where I’m coming from. In Canning Town people would kill for that. If some of my boys had the opportunities you had, they’d be in a better place” Adrian argued.
“Different not better. People spend all their lives working, pleasing others getting money and for what? Don’t you think you want to look back and say you left something for people to be proud of?” Lea replied.
“I hear what you’re saying. Money doesn’t last. Got do something worth being remembered for” Adrian answered.
“See you do understand Adrian” Lea said softly, stroking his cheek. Adrian rested his head in her lap and closed his eyes, taking it all in, bathing in the moment. It was one of those days that Adrian didn’t want to end. “I still can’t believe you made me eat frog legs”.
“Den mund halten. You put ice cream on my shirt” Adrian chuckled.
“No, you shut up” Lea insisted playfully “Nice view, is it not?”
“Yeah” Adrian agreed. “A very nice view”.
